Visual Arts at BCS
Your child will have the chance to creatively express himself or herself through the medium of visual art. We realize our students are crafted in the image of a brilliant Creator. Just like you, we want them to hone their fine motor skills and learn to create masterpieces.
Lower Division
Students in Kindergarten through 4th Grade learn about the "elements of art" and the "principles of design." Often, art lessons are tailored to help extend the learning they are doing with their classroom teacher.
Middle Division
Middle Division students at BCS continue their exploration of media. They increase their art vocabulary and even start learning how to critique artwork and give feedback about their peers' creations.
Upper Division
Visual arts students in 9th through 12th Grades may pursue a wide range of artistic disciplines including studio art, ceramics, photography, and digital art through this elective. Your high schooler will also focus on finding his or her voice as an artist.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at our students' masterpieces and judge for yourself!