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Spiritual Formation

Our Bible Verse for 2023-2024: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

We know that Christian values are important to families. You want the values you teach at home—honesty, faith, kindness—to be echoed in your child's school experience.

We are a non-denominational Christian school. All BCS students receive daily Bible instruction. For Upper Division students, Bible is a required elective throughout their high school experience.

Students and faculty also participate in weekly chapel services. Our strong relationships with local churches provide opportunities for services led by youth pastors and speakers. Lower, Middle, and Upper Division students can lead worship in chapel services.

Spiritual Enrichment Week

Every year, we celebrate Spiritual Enrichment Week. This is a special time, as students and teachers from Kindergarten through 12th Grade meet daily for chapel services and spend time renewing our faith and fellowship. The week is filled with guest speakers and worship leaders as we set aside time to cultivate a closer walk with God.

Service - Enrichment - Travel Week

S.E.T. Week is a week your child will look forward to every year. BCS students provide service in the local community and beyond, as Upper Division students can participate in our annual Mission Trip. Past trips have included destinations like Detroit, Oregon, New York City, New Orleans, the Dominican Republic. Our students have fed the homeless, served in homeless shelters, and helped to renovate a children's summer camp. 

The Deed and Truth Mission Team

Upper Division students at BCS can apply to be a part of the Mission Team. The group's goal is to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, ministering to the school, the Tampa Bay community, and beyond, through various projects and trips. The Mission Team's verse is found in 1 John 3:18: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth."

Ministry Partners

Over the years, BCS has partnered with churches, camps, and non-profit organizations to foster community and further the gospel. Here are some examples of our ministry partners:

Prayer Requests

If you have a need for prayer, please share it with us so we can pray for you.

Students clean window during SET Week
Student serves in community
Student serves school community
Aladdin Jr.