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Academic Boosters

2024 Summer Academic Boosters
  • BCS is offering Academic Booster sessions for rising 1st - 5th graders. Each session will take place from 9:00 - 11:00 am. Session options are available below.

    Session for rising 1st and 2nd grade students: (These grade level sessions are full.)

    • Building Academic Skills and Minimizing Learning Loss
    • Improve reading decoding and fluency
    • Increase comprehension
    • Develop math skills and math fact fluency


    Session for rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students:

    • Improve reading decoding and fluency
    • Increase comprehension
    • Solving multi-step math problems
    • Developing math strategies
    • Building math fluency (multiplication and division)


    Registrations are due by May 31, 2024. Each session will have a maximum of 6 students and will need a minimum of 3. 

    Sessions are $200 each and will be billed via FACTS two weeks before the session. Complete the form below to register.

Open House- Febr